May 9, 2023



Directors: Debbie Lee

  Ginny DeJong

Ted Stahl

Brent Van Den Berg

Paul Richardson

Others:     John Lee (Fire Chief)

Jeannine Glasby (District Admin. Assist.)



Debbie Lee called the meeting to order at 6:39 p.m.

All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Swearing In of Newly Elected Board Members: Ted Stahl and Paul Richardson, took the Oath of Office, which was administered by Debbie. Jeannine then submitted the Oaths of Office and Proof of Public Official Liability coverage, to the La Plata County Clerk and Recorders office, via email.

Results of Board Officer Nominations and Election:

President: Debbie Lee

Vice-President: Ted Stahl

Treasurer: Ginny DeJong

Minutes Approval: Ted moved the Minutes of April 11th meeting, be approved. Paul seconded the motion; They were approved.

Treasurer’s Report:

  • The April financial reports were reviewed and discussed. There was a clarifying discussion of the Water Tank & Capital Outlay budget lines: The Capital Outlay line was intended for the purchase and placement of two water tanks; The Water Tanks and Hydrants budget line was intended for the Station 6 water tanks preparation, and other work pertaining to various water tanks.
  • The Dispatch billing slated on the Agenda for later, was discussed at this time. Jeannine produced the Dispatch Invoices from 2017-2022 which disagree with the Extra Base Fee bill received after the initial bill was paid for 2022. The Board concluded, it is not correct. The Chief gave a background on the Dispatch billing, lately. It was decided not to pay it.

There was a motion to approve the Treasurer Reports, by Ted; Debbie seconded the motion. Motion to accept, Passed. Checks were reviewed and signed.

Public Comment:

  • None

Office Managers Report:

  • Those to attend the SDA Regional Workshop in Durango on June 23 from 8:00am-12:30 are: Chief Lee, Brent Van Den Berg, and Jeannine. Jeannine will register them.
  • The annual Backflow Prevention testing was completed 4/25/23.
  • Jeannine will be attending an FBS training on 5/17/23.
  • The Dispatch billing was discussed previously.

Chief’s Report:

  • Chief reported that there are 24 on the Roster; 17 responded in the rolling quarter. The Chief still feels there is good response.
  • The Chief expressed his intention to mentor Travis Schmitt, for Asst. Chief position. Chief reports Travis is growing into the roll.
  • The Grant for Ambulance is still in process after approval.
  • Chief stated the 1st round of AFG from SAFER Grant approved someone else.
  • FLMFPD (Us) had our 1st transport w/ambulance license, this morning. It will be billed for. They got information on rates for transport from Durango Fire Rescue (DFR). He reported DFR transported 107 EMS calls for FLMFPD in 2022. We would now be able to transport the 70 BLS calls done for us in 2022, because of licensure. Terry/Scott Sholes will help us with Cost Recovery billing.
  • Medic 027 needs repaired. The Chief and Luke put in for the Emergency Repair Grant which has a 90/10 cost share. It was approved with Mobile Mechanic doing the work. Debbie signed the needed document.
  • Medic 036 (Dodge) is down- Chief will apply for the Emergency Repair Grant again.
  • O’Donnell is now on Part-Time; Baylee Beals is scheduled to come on 5/22. Which is pushed back from the 5/8 date, due to the slow wildland season.
  • Chief reported on being approved for the CSD Property and Liability Pool’s, Health & Safety Grant, which Jeannine applied for. The amount rewarded is $4,750, which will help fund the AED’s. The Chief expressed, he would like to forward-place the older but functioning AED’s in the community.
  • Kerry Dixon has put in 240 hours on her way to becoming the most advanced EMT in the FLMFPD. She has passed the Practicals and is doing Ride-Alongs w/DFR. Luke Reitz is considering advancing in his EMT training. 

Old Business:

Action Item Review: Done.

Action Item #377 was added.

New Business:

  • None

Executive Session:

  • None 

Meeting adjourned at 8:15

Respectfully submitted,

Jeannine Glasby
Secretary to the Board
Fort Lewis Mesa Fire Protection Distric