March 14, 2023
Attendance: | ||
Directors: Debbie Lee
Ginny DeJong Paul Richardson Ted Stahl Brent Van Den Berg |
Others: John Lee (Fire Chief)
Jeannine Glasby (District Admin. Asst.) Travis Schmitt
Debbie Lee called the meeting to order at 6:38 p.m.
All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Minutes Approval: Brent moved the Minutes of February 14th meeting, be approved. Ginny seconded the motion; They were approved.
Treasurer’s Report:
- The February financial reports were reviewed and discussed. There was a motion to approve the reports by Ted; Paul seconded the motion. Motion to accept, Checks were reviewed and signed.
- It was pointed out that the money to cover the upfront payout for the Ambulance (CDPHE) grant needs to be in the bank accounts.
Public Comment:
- The Chief reported on the meeting he had with two community members, who had emailed him to answer questions they had, concerning the Hesperus Solar Project and how FLMFPD would deal with it. Also, coming up at this time, was the fact that 85% of Fire dept. were made up of 60% volunteer members.
Office Managers Report:
- Jeannine presented the Audit Exemption Application prepared by Frederick Zink & Assoc., for the Boards review and signing. It was signed and will be submitted to the OSA.
- Debbie addressed the report from the attorney representing the FLMFPD regarding the Station 6 property which had filed for Eminent Domain in District Court on 7 March 2023. Even though not obligated to do so, FLMFPD was asked to pay filing fees. Debbie requested the County provide Right-of-Way Documents.
- Jeannine reported she had met with Ben Sorensen on the website work which is almost completed. When it is complete it will be given to the Board for final review.
- Jeannine gave requested information on the turn around for payment from Ambulance billing from Fire Recovery, USA.
Chief’s Report:
- Chief invited the Board to review the SAFER Grant documents, which were submitted Thursday. Included were hiring and detailed training timelines and duties for those who would be hired. If the grant was approved. Debbie also suggested writing down every task someone would need to do, even the little tasks, would be important.
- Chief reported, the Statement of Work for the CDPHE Grant was received by Colorado Public Health. The AEDs and Power Lifts were ordered 13 March. The Chief will apply for an extension on the Ambulance part of the grant which will hopefully be delivered in 2024. After Rocky Mountain Emergency Vehicle receives the chassis expected in the fall, the Ambulance will be built out.
- 24 responders on the roster; 23 responded in the rolling quarter; 6 on largest call in February.
- O’Donnell is taking his EMT class in New Hampshire.
- Kerry Dixon is halfway through Advanced EMT. She has her practicals set up in Pueblo in 2 months.
- Dustin Dehart came by and interviewed with Chief for possible return as a volunteer.
- The Chief showed the Board a sample of a Dedication plaque for Station 1.
- El Pomar Grant equipment is being ordered.
- FLMFPD sponsored EMS Symposium was beneficial and then put in to practice on call, shortly after.
- Chief said there are 4 FFs and 2 Jr. FFs attending the 4 Corners Wildland Academy; Chief was asked to teach the Leadership class (L380) at the Academy.
Old Business:
Action Item Review: Done.
- The Budget was not reviewed.
- The Ambulance billing was discussed previously.
New Business:
- Chief asked if the Board would consider compensating 1% of grant funds received, to volunteer Grant writers. The Board will recognize the writer at the Annual Banquet but said it would be at their discretion as to how/how much they would compensate. They do not want to set a precedence of a fixed amount. Debbie motioned to review at Christmas. Paul seconded It was approved.
- Michael O’Donnell and Baylee Beals both submitted resumes for the Wildland Part-Time position opening. After reviewing both applicants’ packets and discussion, Brent motioned to hire Michael O’Donnell starting 1 May lasting for 16 weeks. Paul seconded The Board approved. They felt the District was needing someone to continue on to the level of Engine Boss. He has been working toward that and will require him working the Resource Orders that are highly likely. Chief then asked if Baylee Beals could be hired for Seasonal Wildland Resource Orders. Her terms would have her starting 8 May and would include 2 additional weeks outside of Resource Orders. Ted motioned to hire Baylee. Paul seconded the motion. The Board approved.
Executive Session: None
Meeting adjourned at 8:27
Respectfully submitted,
Jeannine Glasby
Secretary to the Board
Fort Lewis Mesa Fire Protection District